Lead and Referral Open Mixer
The Chandler Chamber is hosting a leads and referrals group “Open” mixer. Each leads group is exclusive to one industry per profession. Regardless of available openings for your profession in any of the five Chandler Chamber leads groups this is an opportunity for you to mix and mingle with other professionals while learning more about how a leads group can help grow your business. You do not need to be a member of a leads group to attend, but if you are interested in joining a leads group, then this is the perfect mixer for you. We strongly encourage attendance from all Chandler Chamber members AND non Chandler Chamber members as well.
What is a leads group and how can it help my business?
A leads group is a business referral network that helps businesses interact and network. As a member of a Chandler Chamber Leads Group you will have the opportunity to develop relationships, sources and contacts that can help generate sales for your business.
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Date and Time
Thursday Apr 11, 2013
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MST
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Contact Information
Chandler Chamber of Commerce 480-963-4571
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