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Free Tutoring!

Offer Valid: 08/19/2024 - 09/30/2024
For public and charter school students, tutoring can be free!
Starting August 19, Arizona's Free tutoring program, ATP, is back! We are accepting pre-registrations now!

Eligibility and available hours of free tutoring per student will be announced by early August. Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert is one of the few local businesses approved for this state contract. All of our services are one-to-one, online, using one of our interactive teaching platforms with built-in lessons, screen sharing, and a reward system that appeals even to our younger students and those with short attention spans!

All of our tutors will hold a bachelor's degree, at minimum.

*We continue to provide in-home tutoring and test preparation, outside of this program

Quote from our long-time client:
"When I heard about this free tutoring program on social media I was skeptical and nervous about submitting the kids' info online. But I was very happy when I saw Tutor Doctor on the list of providers. You guys I know, and I know I can trust. We helped her eldest daughter when she was in 3rd grade, and this is why she enrolled 2 more of her children with Tutor Doctor: She is doing well, she just finished 9th grade with a confident B for her final grade in Algebra 1. All her classes are As and Bs, some of them Honors, and more importantly she’s confident and is managing the workload very well." - Diana, Chandler mom

This Hot Deal is promoted by Chandler Chamber of Commerce.

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