Free tutoring K-12!
We are approved to offer free tutoring through the school year!
Tutor Doctor has been an approved provider of the state's free tutoring Achievement Tutoring Program since November 2023. We support students across Arizona, one-to-one, on interactive teaching platforms.
If you prefer in-home, or need support in an area not covered under the program such as Special Education or ACT/SAT preparation, we have supported the East Valley since 2019 and have numerous local tutors who can help (not free). Please complete the form and we will schedule a consultation to learn more.
*Some zip codes are served by other Tutor Doctor regions
- K-12 public and charter schools
- 24 hours free per student every 6 weeks
- Math, reading, writing
- Click the links to see a 5 min demo of our platforms: K-5th and 6th+
If you prefer in-home, or need support in an area not covered under the program such as Special Education or ACT/SAT preparation, we have supported the East Valley since 2019 and have numerous local tutors who can help (not free). Please complete the form and we will schedule a consultation to learn more.
*Some zip codes are served by other Tutor Doctor regions
This Hot Deal is promoted by Chandler Chamber of Commerce.