Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Education - College, Universities & Higher EducationCorporate Level
About Us
CGCC serves the higher education needs of over 19,000 students at three locations. CGCC offers associate degrees, university transfer, dual enrollment, workforce development programs, and continuing education. Classes are available day, evenings, weekends, and online.
Rep/Contact Info
Joshua Doddroe
Interim Facitlites Director
- Phone: (480) 857-5521
Rosalinda Flores Castillo
Student Services Specialist
- Phone: 480-732-7000

Dr. Deborah Hardy
Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Phone: 480-732-7000
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942
Kathy Keresty
Assistant to Dr Felicia
- Phone: (480) 726-4367
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942
Dr. Bernadette La Mazza
- Phone: (480) 732-7019
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942
Dr. Felicia Ramirez-Perez
Dean, Enrollment Services
- Phone: (480) 732-7346
Paul Sanders
Sr Development Officer
- Phone: 480-732-7000
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942
Chris Schnick
Dean, Arts and Sciences
- Phone: (480) 732-7274
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942
Dr. Anne Suzuki
Dean, Student Deveopment
- Phone: (480) 732-7028
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942
Dr. CJ Wurster
Interim President
- Phone: (480) 732-7000
- Maricopa Community Colleges Accounts Pay 2411 W 14th Street Tempe AZ 852816942