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Compass Christian Church



About Us

Compass Christian Church (formerly Chandler Christian Church) is a non-denominational fellowship of believers who have no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, and wear no name but Christian. We believe that Christ is the Head of His Church, and therefore every Christian is a part of His body. We do not believe that we are the only Christians, but earnestly strive to be Christians only. We seek to speak where the Bible speaks, and remain silent where the Bible is silent. We take the Bible, and the Bible alone, as our only rule of faith and practice. The original Church that we read about in the Bible was a church where salvation made you a member, so Compass Christian Church follows that pattern. We refuse to impose upon people more than the Word of God asks a Christian to be, nor require less than the Word states. Therefore, membership here requires that one accept the gracious gift of salvation by faith, which is belief in Jesus as the Son of God, repenting of sin, confessing Jesus as Lord, and being baptized by immersion.

Rep/Contact Info

Accounts Payable
Jim Barrington
Stephen Buckner
Local Outreach Pastor
Tracey Hayden
Cafe Journey Partner
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Sam Thomas
Executive Pastor of Operations & Weekend Experience

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