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Math Tutors in Chandler
Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert may be a good fit for you if...Are you one of those people that "gets" math?Would you like a fulfilling AND flexible part-time job helping kids feel more confident in academics?Do you consider yourself a mentor or a subject matter expert??If you have at least 4 free hours between Monday and Thursday 3:30-7:30pm then we should talk! Tutor Doctor Chandler-Gilbert has been in the East Valley since 2019 and we have a team of over 90 tutors who support around150 students each
Tutor Doctor Chandler-GilbertBusiness Development Area Manager
ABOUT THE ROLE The Chandler Chamber of Commerce is a recognized leader in business, community and economic development. Due to our rapid growth, an exciting opportunity awaits the right candidate. This is a dynamic, fast-paced and friendly environment that will suit an energetic and strategic thinker with solid networking and communication skills. This is an opportunity to join a respected company in the region. As a Business Development Area Manager, you’ll work as a trusted and integral team member
Chandler Chamber Of Commerce